Avalanche - orientation T Avalanche Soda Mountain, Co, Flume of Doom, near Buffalo Pass, NE of Steamboat Springs

03 janvier 2005
Photo non disponible
Avalanche Soda Mountain, Co, Flume of Doom, near Buffalo Pass, NE of Steamboat Springs - Photo 1
4 photos
The two skiers (one was a snowboarder) had driven to
the top of the slope on a snowmobile. N° 1 skis down (you can see
his tracks), triggers the avalanche has he jumps off some small rocks.
He makes a hard right turn into the gully and is hit by the moving
snow. N° 2 can see this happen but sees a little powder cloud at
the bottom of the slope and hears no yells. He starts down, then sees
the debris and takes off his snowboard and walks down. Finds this
difficult going so he puts his board back on for a few meters and then
puts it back off. This is when the small little avalanche to his left
(photo's right side) releases.
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Observateur : Atkins Dale
1190 vues

Caractéristiques de l'avalanche

? m. Ecoulement : Mixte ? m.
Origine principale
Skieur rando. descente
Qualité de neige
Sèche poudreuse
Déclenchement à distance

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